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Causes I Support

I am a passionate advocate for community and the saying "it takes a village" holds a special place in my heart. As a businesswoman in the beauty and self care industry, I am deeply committed to supporting charities that make a significant impact on society and improve the lives of those they serve. This is a core aspect of my identity and I believe that it is essential to give back to our communities and make a positive difference in the world.

The Maxwell George Fleming Foundation

The Maxwell George Fleming Foundation’s mission is to provide hospitals in Canada with CuddleCot’s (™, which allow bereaved families experiencing the loss of an infant the ability to spend
more physical time with their child

A CuddleCot is a system that cools the baby allowing families to stay with their baby before being moved to the morgue or funeral home. The cooling pad is placed into a Moses basket which can be left in the parents room, or easily taken back and forth as they would like to see their child. 

The pain and shock of losing a baby is devastating. No one can predict how they will feel, however having the time to make the choice as to if, when and how long you would like to see your child is a choice that every family should have access to.

YWCA Toronto

Before Allana Davis could fulfill her dream of becoming a successful business owner, she faced the harsh reality of homelessness. Without the support and shelter provided by the YWCA, she would have been left to fend for herself on the streets. This highlights the crucial role that organizations like the YWCA play in supporting individuals in need and helping them achieve their goals. It is a testament to the strength and determination of Allana Davis that she was able to overcome this challenge and achieve her dreams.